Was attending to little girl when little boy went to flip books from the shelves. Mummy was surprised that he reads on his own! Actually if I didn't remember wrongly, this is only the 4th or 5th time we read this book to him. It's one of the free books from #nlb #nlbsg gift pack for new babies sign ups 😲😲😲 Here I'm trying to sneak a video of him as he won't want to continue if he noticed the camera. He read another book earlier I missed that. Time to get more books! Actually i ordered some already from my favourite local store and it's on the way! 😍
#skylerliang #2yearsold #2andahalfyearsold #sgbaby #sgbabies #sgtoddler #sgmummy #reading #readingstartsyoung #book #brownbearbrownbear #brownbearbrownbearwhatdoyousee
See little boy in action here: